On looking at art, Picasso onceproclaimed,

“Do you ever know what the birdsare singing?

You don’t ... But you listen tothem anyway.

So, sometimes with art,

it is important just to look.”

Each attempt at creating a new piece from conception takes me on an illuminating adventure, hopefully ending in an unforeseen but gratifying conclusion.  Generally optimistic at the start,the  journey can become very emotional with many bumps, failures, detours, accidents and surprises along the way.  I begin a piece by choosing a subject or a technique that speaks to me at that moment.  The inspiration can come from people I know, artists whom I have studied, techniques I want to emulate, all of which derives from a deep connection to the stimulus. Often an inspirational idea will speak to me with a specific idea or impression that I feel I need to explore.  As the journey begins so does my artistic love affair with the process of choosing the subject, planning the work, experimenting with technique, color, design and textures seeking a satisfying conclusion that hopefully is appreciated by others.

Using the Website

The three bars at the top right is the menu….essentially my art through the decades

Click on the decade(s) and an image appears….scroll down to see all images

·        click on the image and it enlarges

·        click again and it returns to original size

·        at this point you can scroll side to side   < >

·        or  click “X”to return to up and down scrolling

Using Format